Sunday, May 8, 2011

人在旅途洒泪时 Shed Tears On The Journey

Male Singer: Kwan Ching Kit (Michael Kwan)
Female Singer: Louie Annabelle

女:明白世途多么险阻 令你此时三心两意
Meng pat sai tou dou mok hing joe, leng nei chi si sam sam liong yi
F: Understand that many obstacles in this world, caused you difficult to make decision

男:看远路 正漫漫 谁谓抉择最容易
Hong ying lou, cheng mang mang, soi wai kit zat zoi yong yi
M: Look forward, that is a long way to go, who said that making a choice is easy?

女:前路渺茫请君三思 问你可曾心生悔意
ching lou miu man cheng kuan sam shi, meng nei ho chang sam sang fui yi
F: future is unable to predict, hope that you can think twice, have you ever regretted?

男:要退后 也恨迟 人在旅途洒泪时
yiu toi hao ya han chi, yan zoi loi tou sa loi see
M: it is too late to turn back, tears shed on the journey

女: 泪已流
loi yi lao
F: Tears shed

cheng wai nei zhong cheng yi
M: Appreciated your friendship

Loi kong liu
F: Tears is dried

zoi huai nim wong si
M: Remembering the past

女:心中有约誓 永难移
Sam zong yao yok sai weng nan yi
F: We have oath in our heart, hardly to be removed

Kei mong yao yat siong hui see
Both: Hope that we can meet up one day

女:人在这时怎么启齿 万语千言怎 表爱意
Yan zoi ze si zang mo kai chi, man yu ching yin zang piu ngoi yi
F: How to express my love?

男:看夕阳 正艳红 谁料正是哭别时
hong cek yong, cheng ying hong, sui liu cheng si hok peak see
M: Look at the sunset, it is so beautiful, who knows that this is a time to seperate

女: 泪已流
loi yi lao
F: Tears shed

cheng wai nei chong cheng yi
M: Appreciated your friendship

Loi kong liu
F: Tears is dried

zoi huai nim wong si
M: Remembering the past

女:心中有约誓 永难移
Sam zong yao yok sai weng nan yi
F: We have oath in our heart, hardly to be removed

Kei mong yao yat siong hui si
F: Hope that we can meet up one day

Kei mong yao yat siong hui si
M: Hope that we can meet up one day

Kei mong yao yat siong hui si
Both: Hope that we can meet up one day

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