Saturday, January 25, 2014


Lately, had been crazy about avocado. For a month, almost
everyday consume avocado. I love the creamy texture, like the light aroma, enjoy letting the avocado melt in my mouth.

Some surprise, my skin texture and hair improved after consistently consume Avocado.

 I love blending Avocado with milk.  I love eating it raw.  I low to add the avocado into my salads.

Too bad it is rather costly fruit.  Our Local Avocado (difficult to find) ain't taste as good as Australia Avocado. South Africa Avocado is big in size, but the taste is just "so-so" only.

p/s: just dig out this draft which had been kept for some time.  Now isn't avocado season, it is very expensive to eat now. :P better change back to our local fruit.

Stress ? Do Yoga

Stress, is a common word that we face everyday.  We always hear about "Aiyoo... Stress la".  "Too much work, stress", don't know what to eat? stress.  Inflation?? Stress..

What to do whenever we feel stress?

Try some yoga. let me share some tips.

1.  Roll around.
How long have you not rolling on the floor like a little kids? keeps a child like heart, try to roll from back to front, and from front to back. Or roll from left to right, right to left?  Even can roll cross diagonal. try rolling.  I feel good.

2.  Open heart.
Some simple yoga posture like cat-cow pose, or cobra, do it with full awareness of the breathing.Can sooth the nerves system.

3.  Prolong exhalation.
Exhalation is proven can sooth the emotion, our body system.  Try 1:2 breathing.  4 counts inhalation and 8 count exhalation.  Keep the breathing slow, deep and smooth, just focus your attention on the breathing.

4. Ommmm...
Om mantra chanting.  Om is the universal sounds, the vibration resonance with our body and calming us down.  focusing on the word Om can also help us to control our mind from wandering around.

5. "Big Three"
Last but not least, the three "big" poses.  Supported Balasana (child pose), Supta Baddha Konasana (reclining Bound Angle pose) and Viparita Karani (leg up to wall pose).  All these three poses are very restorative.

Just try.
