Saturday, September 3, 2011


cháng huán
Theresa Teng, song # 11

沉默的嘴唇 还留着泪痕
chén mò de zuǐ chún  hái liú zhe lèi hén
(Silent lips, still keep the trace of tears)

这不是胭脂红粉 可掩饰的伤痕
zhè bú shì yān zhī hóng fěn  kě yǎn shì de shāng hén
(the trace of tears could not be cover by powder)

破碎的心灵 流失了多少的情
pò suì de xīn líng  liú shī le duō shǎo de qíng
(Broken heart, how much love has lost)

弥补的谎言 偿还的借口
mí bǔ de huǎng yán  cháng huán de jiè kǒu
(Make up lies, repay as an excuse)

wǒ bú huì qù dàng zhēn
(I won't believe)

爱的心路旅程 只能够你我俩个人
ài de xīn lù lǚ chéng  zhǐ néng gòu nǐ wǒ liǎng gè rén
(the journey of true love, is only can be you and me)

不可能是我独徘徊, 也不可能三人行
bù kě néng shì wǒ dú pái huái  yě bù kě néng sān rén xíng
(can't be me walking alone, also can't have three parties walk together)

你可以去找新的恋情 也可以不留一点音讯
nǐ kě yǐ qù zhǎo xīn de liàn qíng  yě kě yǐ bù liú yì diǎn yīn xùn
(You can find new love, you can leave without message)

但不要用偿还做借口 再让我伤心
dàn bú yào yòng cháng huán zuò jiè kǒu  zài ràng wǒ shāng xīn
(but please do not use repayment/compensate as an excuse, let me feel sad)

爱哭的眼睛 让泪水染红
ài kū de yǎn jīng  ràng lèi shuǐ rǎn hóng
(crying eye, colored red by tears)

要多少岁月时光 才遗忘这段情
yào duō shǎo suì yuè shí guāng  cái yí wàng zhè duàn qíng
(how many years needed, to let go this love)

脆弱的心情 还留着你的伤痕
cuì ruò de xīn qíng  hái liú zhe nǐ de shāng hén
(my heart/emotion is vulnerable, still having the scars that caused by you)

弥补的诺言 偿还的借口 我怎么能相信
mí bǔ de huǎng yán cháng huán de jiè kǒu wǒ zěn me néng xiāng xìn
(Promises and excuses, how can I believe)

爱的心路旅程 我曾经答应你牵引
ài de xīn lù lǚ chéng  wǒ céng jīng dā yìng nǐ qiān yǐn
(The journey of love, I used to promise to lead you)

这只能说我太多情 不敢埋怨你无情
zhè zhǐ néng shuō wǒ tài duō qíng  bù gǎn mán yuàn nǐ wú qíng
(I only can say, that I have too much love, dare not to complaint that
you are heartless)

wǒ céng jīng nài xīn tīng nǐ biǎo míng
( I used to listen to you patiently)

yě yǐ jīng liàng jiě nǐ de kǔ zhōng
(I understand your difficulties)

请不要用偿还做借口 伤了我自尊
qǐng bú yào yòng cháng huán zuò jiè kǒu  shāng le wǒ zì zūn
(But please do not use compensation as an excuse, to hurt my self-esteem/pride)

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