Monday, June 20, 2011


All is going according to plan. Trust that there is a bigger picture. Trust that life is unfolding as it should.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Samba Dancer

I quited my Latin and Ballroom dance for quite some time, nothing much, couldn't get a good partner. Yesterday attended the Latin dance class at the fitness center. We had samba yesterday.

Dancing in the studio and in the fitness center is kinda different. I had fun in the fitness center. I dont have to worry about my partner, I can just dance what I want to dance. After so long didn't dance, I almost lost in the samba fast rhythm, but I still enjoyed the rhythm. :)

Samba is a lively, rhythmical dance. It is origin from Brazil. I like it. I enjoy it. lol.. feel so good to dance again.

Let's Samba...

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Helping Hand

If you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm. And a time always comes when you discover that you have two hands: one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Hush, Little baby


I am only as free as I imagine myself to be. There is nothing ''out there'' that's holding me down, - I am limiting myself only with my own imagination. And my greatest limits are not even the ''cannot'' and the ''should not'', but the places where my imagination hasn't yet gone at all. There has never been a better time for me to open my eyes, let the imagination soar and see what more is possible.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


All emotions grow in size when practiced regularly. Practice love to have more love, practice hate to have more hate. Practice kindness to have more kindness, practice depression to have more depression. The choice is ours as always.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


All those little things that annoy us, are God's way of watching out for us.
We never know when an untied shoelace saves us from an onrushing car. On September 11th, one man was saved because he had to get donuts for his team; another because he developed a blister on his foot from wearing new shoes.

Monday, June 13, 2011

沉默是金(Silence is Golden)

沉默是金(Silence is Golden)
Leslie Cheung 张国荣

夜 风 凛 凛   独 回 望 旧 事 前 尘
ye fong lang lang, tok hui mong kao shi chin chan
cold wind night, alone, reflash back the past

是 以 往 的 我   充 满 怒 愤
shi yi wong dek ngo, chong moon nou fang
Me in the past, was full of anger

诬 告 与 指 责   积 压 着 满 肚 气 不 忿
mo gou yu zhi zhak, jik ngak jiok moon tou hei pak fan
False accusations and blame, accumulating full stomach of anger and grievances

对 谣 言   反 应 甚 为 着 紧
dui yiu yin, fang ying shang wai jiok gang
Facing rumors, reaction is over (too much/or take it too seriously)

* 受 了 教 训   得 了 书 经 的 指 引
shao liu kao fang, dek liu shu geng dek zi yang
learnt from the lesson, had the guideline from books

现 已 看 得 透   不 再 自 困
ying yi hong dak tao, pak zoi ji khuang
now had see through, no longer self-trapped

但 觉 有 分 数   不 再 像 以 往 那 般 笨
tang kok yiao fan shou, pak joi ziong yi wong na pun pang
Now aware of what is happening, is not as foolish as the past

抹 泪 痕   轻 快 笑 着 行
muk loi hang, heng fai siu jiok hang
wiped tears, relaxly walk with smile

# 冥 冥 中   都 早 注 定 你 富 或 贫
meng meng zong, dou zou ju deng nei fu huak pang
# It is fate, to be rich or poor

是 错 永 不 对   真 永 是 真
shi cho weng pak doi, zang weng shi zang
if it is wrong, it will never be true, if it is true, it will forever true

任 你 怎 说   安 守 我 本 份
yam nei zam suet, oon shao ngo pun fan
no matter what you say, I will do mt part

始 终 相 信 沉 默 是 金
chi zong xiong shun chang mok shi kam
always believe that silence is golden

+ 是 非 有 公 理   慎 言 莫 冒 犯 别 人
shi fei yiao gong lei shang yin mok mou fan pik yang
+true or false, always have justice, talk cautiously, dont offend others

遇 上 冷 风 雨   休 太 认 真
yue shiong lang fong yue, yiao tai ying zang
facing cold wind and rain, dont take it too seriously

自 信 满 心 里   休 理 会 讽 刺 与 质 问
ji xun mun sam loi, yiao lei hui fong chi yue zak man
be confident, dont have to bother about satires and questions

笑 骂 由 人   洒 脱 地 做 人
siu ma yiao yan, sa tue dek zou yan
Praises or criticizes from others, let it be. Live a free and easy life

重 唱   *, #, +
Repeat   *, #, +

少 年 人   洒 脱 地 做 人
xiu ning yan sa tue dek zou yan
young man, live a free and easy life

继 续 行   洒 脱 地 做 人
kai zuk hang sa tue dek zou yan
continue to walk, live a free and easy life

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Quote of the day: Celebration

Today, I should celebrate what an unbelievable life I have had so far: the accomplishments, the many blessings, and, yes, even the hardships because they have served to make me stronger. Just as a gem cannot be polished without friction, nor can a life be perfected without trials. Take a time to acknowledge my life and to praise myself.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Quote of the day: Silence is golden

When we are quiet, we can hear God's messages to us. Sometimes these messages may be in the form of subtle intuition. Sometimes it may feel like an inner knowing. Sometimes we may hear a 'still, small voice.' If it feels right in your heart, trust that it is God speaking to you.

Quote of the day

We do not see things as they are. We see them as we are. When we look, we see reflections of our being. When we listen, we hear echoes of ourself. If we don't like something about what we see and hear, no point in smashing the mirror, change who we are becoming.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

为你钟情 Love you

为你钟情 Love you
Leslie Cheung

為你鍾情  傾我至誠  請你珍藏  這分情
wai nei zhong chen, keng ngo zi sheng, cheng nei zhang chong je fan chen
I love you sincerely please treasure, this love

從未對人  傾訴秘密  一生首次盡吐心聲
chong mei doi yan, keng shou pei mak yat shang shou chi jun tou sam sheng
Never tell people, this secret. This is the first time in my life, I voice out my heart

望你應承  給我証明  此際心弦  有共鳴
mong nei ying sheng, kap ngo zeng meng chi zai sam yun yiao gong meng
Hope you promise, prove to me, the cord of our heart, having the same resonance

然後對人  公開心情  用那金指環做証
ying hao dui yan, gong hoi sam cheng, yong na kam zi wuan zou chen
then tell people, public your heart, testify with the golden ring

*對我講一聲終於肯接受  以後同用我的姓
doi ngo kong yat sheng zong yi hang jip shou yi hao tong yong ngo dek sheng
Tell me that you can accept me, will share my surname

對我講一聲 "I do! I do!"  願意一世讓我高興
doi ngo kong yat sheng "I do! I do!" ying yi yat sai yong ngo kou heng
tell me "I do! I do!" willing to let me be happy forever

為你鍾情  傾我至誠  請你珍藏  這分情
wai nei zhong chen, keng ngo zi sheng, cheng nei zang chong je fan chen
I love you sincerely please treasure, this love

然後百年  終你一生  用那真心痴愛來做証
ying hao pak nein, zong nei yat sham, yong na zhang sam chi ngoi loi zhou zen
For Hundred Years, the whole life, using your heart, your passion, your love to testify.

Repeat *,#