Foxtrot need “smoothness” and “ease of movement”, I think I will need to take some time to learn and to feel this dance. Anyway, this is just a beginning/introductory stage for me; people take years to learn and “pro” in once dance, how can I dreaming to be “pro” in one day?
When I learn something, I always want to search the info about things I learn, may be this is just little habit. Let see what I found for Foxtrot:
“Foxtrot created in 1912 by Harry Fox, the Fox Trot was the first dance that permitted people to hold each other closer than arm's length. If you think the term "dirty dancing" was a product of the 80s, think again. The Fox Trot was at first to be tagged "indecent behavior". Today it's still the most popular of all social dances. Some people refer to the Fox Trot as the "Slow Dance" or the "Two-Step", or a "Conversational Dance" because of it's closeness and conversation ability at the same time. “
“Dirty dancing”???
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